barThis list makes me look like I lead a much more eventful life than I actually do! But since liquor never goes bad, and cocktails don’t seem to be going out of style, I figure it makes sense to be prepared. You can, of course, build up slowly from staples to more sophisticated stuff. Also, these* bottles do double-duty as flavorings for baked goods & desserts.


(I always keep some kind of beer in the fridge, and at least one bottle each of red wine, white wine, and champagne.)


Bailey’s* (mmmm, Bailey’s)


Cointreau* or Grand Marnier* (orange-flavored liquour)

Creme de Cassis (currant-flavored liquor, delicious in a spritzer, also use to make Kir Royales with champagne)

Gin (I love Hendrick’s)

Grenadine syrup (I make my own; more on this later)

Jack Daniel’s (you can take the girl out of Tennessee, but…)


Maraschino cherries (you just never know)

Port (my affinity for which I like to blame on my friend Mickey)

Scotch (blame my dad, but I like the good stuff-Laphroiag was a recent purchase)

Sherry (I keep a bottle for cooking French recipes)

Sour mix

Tequila (1800 or another comparably nice brand)

Vermouth (which I mostly cook with)

Vodka (here in Texas, we favor Tito’s)

additionally–tonic water, olives, limes, lemons, toothpicks, & paper umbrellas (no, really!)

Have something to add?  Tell us, what bar goodies do you keep on hand?

7 responses to “LIQUOR CABINET

  1. Think I can make Texas by happy hour?

  2. Hendrick’s is my Gin fo choice too. Try with a slice of cucumber instead of lemon or lime for a refreshing G & T change!
    FYI…now I’m a Moscovite, the only vodka is Russki Standard. They probably have it in Specs…

    • bluejeangourmet

      I love being in good company with you! and I will have to look around for your vodka recommendation, because I definitely think you count as an expert now

  3. We always have a bottle of Patron, Grand Marnier and Sweet & Sour Mix on hand for Margaritas. Our choice of Vodka is Grey Goose and we like to mix it with a splash of Pomegranate Italian Soda and a splash of cranberry juice. If you haven’t tried his combination, you must! It’s REALLY good!

    • bluejeangourmet

      Cookie–my photographer is partial to Grey Goose, too! I love the spritzer/cocktail idea–that sounds lovely and I will definitely have to try it. Sounds perfect for summer!

  4. Pingback: APPLE-SOUR CREAM MUFFINS « Blue Jean Gourmet

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