School started this week, and I’m afraid I can’t really hold a coherent thought in my head at this moment.  Therefore, this has become the post of miscellany.

apricots on green platter


a)    Each year, I create a “Word Tree” with my students on the back wall of my room.  Students are asked to choose words in any language that appeal to them because of what they mean or how they sound.  In past years, I have had words in Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish, Polish, Latin, German, & Portuguese—and English words ranging from “indignant” to “giggly” to “ineluctable” to “satiate.”  My students always manage to impress me and get themselves excited about words, which is pretty cool, no?

Since I always ask my colleagues, friends, and family to contribute words to the word tree, I’d like, this year, to ask you, lovely blog readers, to throw out some of your favorite words.  Remember, any word, any language, because you love what it means or how it sounds.  Share away!  I’ll add you to the tree next week.

b)     Speaking of words, I’m obsessed with the Online Etymology Dictionary.  It’s been fun for my students and me to discover where words come from, like “miscellany,” which comes from the Latin miscere, meaning “to mix,” and “lollapalooza,” descending from lallapalootza in an unspecified American Indian language, meaning “remarkable person or thing.” (One of my students totally brought this word in; have I mentioned I love my students?)

c)    There’s a very cool jewelry artist here in Houston named Melissa Borrell who makes really lovely, unusual pendants, earrings, and other decorative works.  The thing is, she’s not going to be in Houston long and her moving means there are a bunch of fantastic pieces on sale.

d)    Next week, our super-cute-and-knowledgeable sommelier returns with a post on Wine Tasting Basics!

e)    I have three, long, hand-written letters from three fantastic friends to respond to this weekend.  Damn, I’m a lucky girl.

f)    You never thought I’d get to the food, did you?  Well, it’s a little bit miscellaneous, too.  The inspiration came from one of the many receptions/dinners/galas that we have been to in the last handful of years on account of Jill’s work.  Some are really fun, some are really boring, but since I always enjoy getting dressed up and eating free food, I’m a pretty easy spouse to drag to said events.

At some point, I filed this idea away in my brain; the original was stuffed with cream cheese, but I thought surely we could get a little bit more exciting?  I tested brie-stuffed and mascarpone-stuffed versions on a crowd a few weekends ago, and the brie was the clear favorite, though there was a minority of guests who are not stinky-cheese fans and therefore found the mascarpone more palatable.  You should know, though, that all of the little apricots disappeared in a flash; I had to pry them away so they could be photographed!

I think these would be lovely as part of an hors d’oeuvres spread, or with a cheese course or dessert assortment or just simply paired with a bottle of crisp white to start a meal.  Probably you fine people out there have further ideas for cheeses that would work, so feel free to leave suggestions along with your Word Tree Words—ooh!  We could have a whole “cheese” section of the tree!  Havarti and Jarlsberg and Chevre all hanging together in perfect harmony.

See how my brain is wired for miscellany these days?  I’m off to teach some renegade eighth graders, and in the meantime I leave you with a very elegant but simple-to-assemble canapé which I hope will serve you well.


jumbo dried apricots (test these for springy-ness before buying; overly dry fruit will not stuff well)

small wedge Brie cheese, softened at room temp apricots up close

good-quality honey

toasted almonds, thinly sliced

Using a small, sharp paring knife, slit the apricot around its curve, working the knife into the meat of the fruit to form a pocket.  Be careful not to cut all the way around, just about a half-moon shape is enough.  Repeat with desired number of apricots—I think I did twenty-four.

Use a small spoon (my grapefruit spoon worked well) to stuff about a ½ tsp of Brie into each apricot.  Don’t worry if a little bit is showing, I think it’s nice to give diners an idea of what they’re eating and the two colors look lovely in contrast.

Drizzle the platter of apricots with a gentle rain of honey, either squeezing from the bottle or warming a bit in the microwave and then zig-zagging a spoonful over the fruit.

Dot the top of each apricot with an almond slice.  And I’ve gotta quote Julia here, ubiquitous as she may be it’s for a reason, Bon Appétit!


10 responses to “BRIE-STUFFED APRICOTS

  1. you totally have to turn your students on to this website:

    that will be my contribution to the word tree…..

  2. These sound delicious! Can’t wait to give them a try the next time we have guests over. I’m always looking for new appetizer ideas.

    Hmmm word tree contribution…how about: beurre meunière – I love how it sounds and tastes!

  3. I found your blog earlier this summer while searching for a blueberry cake recipe, and have made the blueberry boy bait several times since then.

    One of my favorite words is mellifluous. The combination of the “l” and the “s” sounds make this adjective flow as it falls off my tongue.

  4. I could go one forever, but I will contribute just a few of my favourites:

    holubsti (cabbage rolls)
    Janne Niinimaa (Hubby’s favourite thing to say, Ninimma is a hockey player)

  5. one of my favorite words has always been Exquisite. i like how it looks, how it sounds, and what it means.

    lately, my go-to word has been Biscuits. partially because i’m obsessed with good biscuits, and partially because i’m trying to curb my cursing a bit….

    my favorite foreign word is Kurczak – which is Polish for Chicken. i like to randomly say (and sometimes yell) Kurczak.

    come to mention it, i like the word Foreign too.

    • bluejeangourmet

      thanks for all the great words, ya’ll! I’ll put them up on the tree Monday.

      Melissa, thanks for taking the time to comment & say “hi!” I’m so glad to know you’ve enjoyed the blueberry bait–I just made it this week myself!–it’s nice to have you around here.

  6. These sound delicious! Can't wait to give them a try the next time we have guests over. I'm always looking for new appetizer ideas.

    Hmmm word tree contribution…how about: beurre meunière – I love how it sounds and tastes!;. All the best!!

  7. I found your blog today and loved this post and this recipe.
    The word tree is a nice way to captivate students.
    Next time you put new words on word tree my suggestion is “saudade” a portuguese word that means longing but is so much stronger than a feeling. Is the word that better describes portuguese people that leaves abroad wich is always longing for his family, his country, his traditions and flavours of typical portuguese food.
    Regards from Portugal

  8. Wouldn’t the apricots be even better if heated so the cheese is melty? Now there’s a word . . . melty!

    • Dortohy, feel free to give it a whirl–I’m not crazy about warm fruit in general, so I’d probably pass on heating these, but I do take the brie out of the fridge several hours in advance to make sure it’s nice and gooey, if not melty (which is definitely a word in my book)

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